Have You or Anyone You Know Been Bitten?

Tick Control Discount

About Us

The Tick Guy is proud to serve the communities of Middlesex County CT, New Haven County CT, Hartford County CT, and Tolland County CT with expert and guaranteed tick prevention service. Thank you for your interest in our company.

The deer tick is active any time of the year when the temperatures are above 32 degrees and the wood tick is active any time of the year when the temperatures are above 40 degrees. They both have a 2 year life cycle which means they live through the first winter and die off at the end of the second year. Did you know… an adult female can lay 3,000 eggs?

Ticks don't jump, fly or descend from trees. Tick bites don't hurt, and if you are bitten, you probably won't feel it. That's why it's very important to do frequent tick checks during and after being outdoors.

A daily tick check is still the best protection against Lyme disease. The sooner that you find and remove a tick, the less likely you could be infected.

Ticks in CT Lifecycle


Research shows that insect control products are most effective at reducing ticks, especially when combined with landscape changes that decrease tick habitat. Effectively treating for ticks throughout the year and at the proper stage of their life cycle, dramatically reduces the number of ticks within the treated area.

Lyme Disease Rash

Ticks are extremely small and require a very little amount of product for quick control. The insect control product we use is safe for the Environment and is safe enough to be labeled for indoor use and is registered with the Environmental Protection Agency and The State of Connecticut. The application is completely odorless and your property will be usable approximately 2 hours after treatment or until the treated areas are dry.

The incidence of tick-borne diseases, particularly Lyme disease, has increased dramatically in recent years. This is due largely to reforestation and the subsequent increase in the abundance of wildlife that play host to ticks. Record-setting cases of Lyme disease were reported in Connecticut alone last year – the highest number in the United States. This disease will affect its victims for the rest of their lives.


Enjoy peace of mind by implementing a tick management program with The Tick Guy Our goal is to reduce the tick population in an affected area by 90-95% within a year. 100% reduction is not uncommon.

CT Tick Growth Comparison CT Tick Laying Eggs

Ticks can lay up to 3,000 eggs!